PANAGIOTIS NOUTSOS, born in Elliniko, Ioannina (1948), studied at the University of Ioannina and at the Freie and the Technische Universit_t of Berlin. He holds a Ph. D. (1979) and a Habilitation (1982) in Philosophy from the University of Ioannina, where he is now Professor of Social and Political Philosophy. He has also worked and taught at the University of Paris I, IV and X (1987-88), at RMIT (Melbourne) and Pomona College (Los Angeles) and New York University (1994-1995). His primary interests are the Philosophy of History and the History of Social and Political Thought (European and Modern Greek).

            He is the author of the following books:

            1. Utopia and History, Ph.D., 1979 (in Greek)

            2. Nominalism, 1980 (in Greek)

            3. Modern Greek Philosophy, 1981 (in Greek)

            4. N. Machiavelli: Political Design and Philosophy of History, Habil., 1983 (in Greek)

            5. The Origins of Greek Marxism, 1987

            6. K. Marx, the Critique of Ideology, 1988 (in Greek)

            7. Le marxisme europ_en. Une th_orie en construction, 1989

            8. The Socialist Thinking in Greece, vols, 1, 21, 22 3, 4, 1990-1994 (in Greek)

            9. Sozialpolitische Theorie und Geschichtsschreibung, 1994.

            10. Greek-Australia, 1996 (in Greek)

            11. N. Yiannios, 1997 (in Greek)

            12. Language and Power (1998, in English, German, French and Spanish).

            His articles have been translated in English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Turkish.

            During the period 1991-1994, he has been elected Vice-Rector of the University responsible for the academic affairs of administration and the management of the staff.

            Address:  University of Ioannina, 451.10 Ioannina.

                           tel. 0651/98602 - 98645,  fax: 0030/651/42918

                           E-mail: @ pnoutsos cc. uoi. gr

            Address (home): N. Zerva Street, 453.32 Ioannina

                           tel. 0651/ 29358